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Social Media’s Health Issues And Other Major Concerns

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Social media is one of the most popular forms of communication, and it has also become a source of entertainment. However, there are many concerns about the health issues related to social media. This article discusses some major concerns that arise due to internet addiction and how they can be prevented by people who rely on social media heavily in their daily lives.

I. Major health issues are found to be related to social media

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep problems
  • Relationship issues, including divorce and break-ups

Body image issues (i.e. low self-esteem) can be caused by social media as well. This is because people tend to compare themselves with others on social media and often feel bad about themselves because the other person appears better than them in some way, whether it’s looks or clothing or whatever else the person might be posting about themselves on their profile page on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram etc… Social media bullying is another major concern related to this issue: cyberbullying is defined as “any form of electronic communication intended to hurt someone else’s reputation” and there have been many instances where young people committed suicide after being harassed online by peers at school or other places that they frequent regularly such as malls; so please make sure your kids do not use these services if they are underaged!

II. Social Media and its effects on our mental health

  • Social media can affect our mental health in a number of ways. It can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It can also cause us to compare ourselves to others, which can lead to feelings of isolation as well as loneliness.
  • Additionally, social media encourages us to stay connected with everyone else at all times. This constant connectivity makes it very hard for people who are depressed or anxious because it raises levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the brain which makes it even harder for those individuals to deal with stressful situations in their lives.

III. The side effects of long-term social media usage

In the short term, social media can have a negative effect on your health. For example:

  • It can cause depression and anxiety.
  • Also, It might cause addiction.
  • It causes sleep deprivation (a common side effect of using your phone or tablet late at night).

Social isolation. If you’re usually alone during the day, but start spending more and more time with your friends on social media, it may mean that you’re socially isolated in real life as well.

In other words, If your scoial media friends are posting about their fun times on Facebook, Instagram etc, It might make you feel bad about yourself you will start spending even more time online and make you feel FOMO (Fear of missing out)


IV. Steps that can be taken to prevent this from taking over our lives

Social media is not all bad, but it can be very dangerous if you start spending too much time on it. Here are some ways to avoid these dangers:

  • Take breaks from social media. If you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, take a break from your phone and log off for a while. It’s important that you still spend time in real life with other people and things (like nature), but there’s nothing wrong with taking regular breaks from social media as well!
  • Don’t use social media as a way to avoid your problems in real life. It is okay to share your feelings about certain situations on social media—but don’t let it become an escape from reality where all of your problems go away when you turn off your computer!
  • Don’t use social media as a way to compare yourself with others’ lives or accomplishments; everyone has their own struggles and successes! Just because someone else may seem like they have “it all together” doesn’t mean anything about how great their life actually is; everyone has different experiences which make our lives unique! Some people struggle more than others do but that doesn’t mean we should feel bad about ourselves just because someone else might look better off than us online; instead, we should focus on celebrating each other’s successes regardless of whether those successes seem small or large compared against someone else’s achievements.”

Social media’s unhealthy effects

  • The problem? Social media is addictive. Not only does it give you a dopamine rush from seeing the number of likes on your latest post, but it also gives you the opportunity to compare yourself with others. If someone else posts a photo of themselves at the gym, or going out for drinks with their friends and getting more likes than you did on your 5k race time, it can be easy to feel like you’re not measuring up (even if in reality everyone has different priorities).
  • Social media can also negatively affect our mental health by making us feel bad about ourselves when we compare ourselves to other people’s lives. It’s important to remember that no one’s life is perfect—even celebrities who seem to have everything go through times where they struggle. And if someone seems like they’re leading an amazing life on Instagram, there may be aspects of their lives that aren’t shown online!


We’ve seen in this article how social media can be a major health concern, but we also know that it’s not all bad. That said, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that your usage is healthy and balanced. Remember to keep yourself accountable for any negative behavior on these platforms (whether it’s spending too much time scrolling through feeds or feeling like you need too much validation from others). If you feel like something needs changing, make sure that you speak up about it!

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